Respiratory Training: A Neglected But Important Training Modality

Fact: The simple act of breathing is one of the most important aspects of any training regimen. Yet respiratory training, as it’s referred to in the sports and fitness world, is a frequently overlooked component of an athlete’s training program.

Respiratory training is regularly used by athletes who want to improve their sports performance. It strengthens their breathing muscles to improve breathing stamina and strength, and eventually endurance during aerobic exercise. Respiratory training is the deliberate modification of how we usually breathe throughout the day, implementing specific exercises and techniques to improve oxygen uptake and lung function to enhance athletic performance. It strengthens the diaphragm, which is the primary muscle of respiration, as well as the inspiratory of rib cage muscles. This training eventually increases lung capacity and optimizes oxygen delivery to the body’s tissues and muscles at rest and during exercise.

Types of respiratory training

The most popular type of respiratory training is diaphragmatic breathing. It can be performed in a supine position, sitting or standing, based on the practice level of the individual. To incorporate the diaphragmatic breathing technique, lie on your back and:

  • Bend your knees and support your head using a pillow or a folded towel to relax your neck and shoulder muscles.

  • Place one hand on your upper chest and the other on your belly, just below your ribcage, to feel your diaphragm as it moves up and down.

  • Breathe in slowly through your nose so that your stomach pushes out, causing your hand to rise. The hand that lies on your chest should remain as still as possible.

  • To exhale, purse your lips as if you are going to whistle or gently blow on a hot drink. Exhale slowly and gently through your pursed lips by tightening your abdominals so that your stomach moves in.

Two other common forms of respiratory training include inspiratory muscle training (IMT) and yogic breathing. IMT involves breathing exercises using a pressure threshold device to strengthen the inspiratory muscles, such as the external intercostals. It’s a form of resistance training for these muscles since it strengthens them, improving stamina and reducing breathing fatigue. It is performed sitting or standing, where the individual puts on a nose clip, holds the IMT device by the handle grip, and places the mouthpiece in the mouth. They breathe out as far as they can and take a fast, forceful breath through their mouth, trying to take in as much air as they can while expanding their chest. They then breathe out slowly with minimal effort while letting their shoulders relax. Yogic breathing, also referred to as pranayama, is mainly practiced through the guidance of a certified yoga instructor. It involves breath control via patterns and variations in respiration rate, with specific instructions regarding the number of breaths over a certain period of time. Some variations of yogic breathing include alternate nostril, paced, and box breathing.

Assessing lung capacity and cardiovascular endurance

For optimal athletic performance, I highly recommend assessing lung capacity and cardiovascular endurance through an active test performed using a metabolic analyzer, such as PNOĒ, which I consider the gold standard. The respective metrics in the PNOĒ active reports are expressed as aerobic health and respiratory capability, respectively. Respiratory training can further enhance athletic performance by contributing to the recovery process after exercise. More specifically, it helps reduce muscle soreness, accelerate tissue repair, and promote faster recovery between workouts. This increased recovery capacity is also assessed and depicted in the PNOĒ active reports. Additional benefits realized when all of these mechanisms work together are improved sleep quality, sports performance, recovery and brain function.

To help set a baseline in determining your own respiratory training, I highly recommend getting a metabolic stress test, which I offer using the PNOE metabolic analyzer to gain the data you need to train more efficiently. To start your process and get across the finish line faster and stronger, contact me to schedule your metabolic analysis.

 Scientific sources

  • Ambrosino N. Inspiratory muscle training in stable COPD patients: enough is enough? Eur Respir J. 2018;51(1):1702285

  • Basso-Vanelli RP, Di Lorenzo VAP, Labadessa IG, Regueiro EMG, Jamami M, Gomes ELFD, Costa D. Effects of inspiratory muscle training and calisthenics-and-breathing exercises in COPD with and without respiratory muscle weakness. Respir Care. 2016;61(1):50-60

  • Bostanci O, Mayda H, Yilmaz C, Kabadayi M, Yilmaz AK, Ӧzdal M. Inspiratory muscle training improves pulmonary functions and respiratory muscle strength in healthy male smokers. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2019;264:28-32

  • de Medeiros AIC, Fuzari HKB, Rattesa C, Brandão DC, de Melo Marinho PÉ. Inspiratory muscle training improves respiratory muscle strength, functional capacity and quality of life in patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review. J Physiother. 2017;63(2):76-83

  • HajGhanbari B, Yamabayashi G, Buna TR, Coelho JD, Freedman KD, Morton TA, Palmer SA, Toy MA, Walsh C, Sheel AW, Reid DW. Effects of respiratory muscle training on performance in athletes: a systematic review with meta-analyses. J Strength Cond Res. 2013;27(6):1643-1663

  • Illi SK, Held U, Frank I, Spengler CM. Effect of respiratory muscle training on exercise performance in healthy individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Med. 2012;42(8):707-724

  • Walterspracher S, Pietsch F, Walker DJ, Röcker K, Kabitz H-J. Activation of respiratory muscles during respiratory muscle training. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2018;247:126-132


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